Take psychiatric drug ads off TV: Article

Please read this article that came out today about our project to remove psychiatric drug ads from TV and other sources:


Take back your health America!

Wendy Love Edge

Please listen to Wake Up by @oxygenedge

Positive Steps to Managing Personal Change

In the midst of personal change, fear can often erupt. Worry then ensues. These two things, fear and worry serve no positive purpose in managing change. Well really, they serve no positive purpose in any part of our lives.

So how does one limit the fear and worry when change is happening and an inevitable part of life?
The mind is the most important piece of the puzzle to maintaining rationality and making decisions that will achieve a positive change. When you have your mind right and are staying positive and rational, you can do anything! Your mind tells you what needs to be done. Listen to it, but only with a rational tone. If it starts running away with itself it’s time to rope it in and bring it into balance. Fear and love are inversely proportional. So reduce the fear about the change by showing yourself love and kindness. You could do any or all of the following: Take some time to exercise, go for a walk, ride your bike, walk your dog, or practice deep breathing, Make sure you are nourishing your body, and are eating for health. Try some simple meditation. Remind yourself that you have a 100% track record for getting through other changes in your life. If you can, write some positive affirmations on pieces of paper and put them around your house where you can see them. These things will keep your mind positive and rational.

Once you feel you have decreased the fear and worry sufficiently, then ask yourself, “what do I need to accomplish to get through this change?” This is the action that is necessary to make the change. So answer your question! Start a list of these things with everything you can think of. Even if the list is starting to get long, don’t allow that to increase your fear and worry again. This is a list of things you will do over time. You may want to put time frames on each item if that will help you to sort out the time you need to get through the change you are making. You are in the drivers seat of this change. You are not a victim, and it is not driving you!

The fact is, this change might just help you onto the path that you really want. Check in with yourself about that, and about what you heart is wanting, what your higher self is needing, what your true self feels about the change that you are making. It is a good idea to journal these thoughts to help you sort them out. If journaling doesn’t work for you, then sit quietly and sort out what you feel about the change with regard to your life path, your heart and your higher self. By taking the time to feed the heart and soul, and listen to it, you will find that your head will continue to decrease in fear and worry.

As I said at the start, change in life is inevitable. We can only control our reaction to it, and how we manage it. When we do this, we are caring for and loving ourselves. This is an essential element of good health and well-being.
Take back your health America!

Wendy Love Edge

Here’s a grounding meditation by Wendy Love Edge to assist you in managing change

The Bulldozer Health Show Episode 13: Pharmaceutial Advertising

Please listen to Episode 13 of The Bulldozer Health Show Here:


In this episode, Wendy Love Edge discusses why it is so important to remove pharmaceutical advertising from television.

Take back your health America!


Wendy Love Edge


The Bulldozer Health Show is produced by Angela Oxygen Edge and features her original song “Wake Up”. You can reach Oxygen Edge on Twitter: @oxygenedge

Advertising for Take back your health America!

Let’s replace the pharmaceutical ads with this!

Take back your health America!

Wendy Love Edge


Health Empowerment and Action

Let’s start with some definitions: Empowerment is the process of increasing the capacity of individuals or groups to make choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes.
Action is something done or performed; an act; a deed. It is also an act that one consciously wills and that may be characterized by physical or mental activity.
It follows then, that empowerment requires some action. It is a process. And it is the action that creates desired outcomes.

We all have the capacity to become empowered in our health. This doesn’t mean that our physical or emotional issues disappear, or that we can wish them away or simply decide that they are gone.
Don’t get me wrong. I talk a lot about “changing your mind” to the positive and deciding to be healthy and well. I strongly believe that this is an essential ingredient to making a change for the better in one’s health and well-being. That said, it isn’t a “magical” process, or a process of denial. It is using the power of the mind in your favor to create movement. That is to say, action, is also a necessary ingredient.

Once you have changed your mind to the positive, you still must address the health issues your body and mind may have in order to achieve good health. Being empowered in one’s health, means being honest with yourself about your issues, facing them head on, and doing what needs to be done.

I wanted to make this point because I have been hearing a lot from people who state that they feel upset when someone who uses natural methods of healing suggests that all they have to do is wish away their physical or mental/emotional issues. This also makes me upset because this isn’t a magical recipe. You can’t just wish away your issues and problems. You can become open and willing to try different avenues to good health and well-being. You can educate yourself about what options are available to you. You can believe you can find health, become more positive, and search for answers until you have exhausted all options.

Empowerment in health means you are in the position of power when it comes to your own health. Simply choosing to be healthy IS important, but it must be coupled with action.

Take back your health America!
Wendy Love Edge