Podcast Episode#4 w/ guest Note Louis from the Navajo Nation in New Mexico

note louis pic for rado show

Please listen to Episode #4 of the Bulldozer Health Show with our guest Note Louis , our Director of Media Services, from the Navajo Nation.  Note discusses her lifestyle choices including exercise, nutrition, and Native American herbal medicine.



If you are interested in the book Note mentions,  please look here:


Bulldozing Lesbians at the hospital: Everyone should have a choice who will be by their side

I have talked  and written about my story of becoming ill and bulldozed, and then working at taking back my health.  I have talked and written about becoming gravely ill.   I have also talked and written about bulldozer Health Inc. remedies for health.  I  feel though, like there is an elephant in the room, that I haven’t discussed. It’s pink, and it’s waving a gay pride flag.

You see I have always had the attitude that I wanted to be treated equally to everyone else.  In fact, I demand it in my life  I felt that by not making an issue of my sexuality, I am saying I am just like everyone else.   After all, heterosexuals don’t declare themselves at work or on their way, so why should I?  I speak about my life in a matter of fact manner.   I make no apologies, and I never lie about it.  But the fact is, that because I don’t present as a “typical” lesbian, whatever that is, people don’t realize that is what I am unless I tell them. I have been re-thinking this idea though. Maybe it’s time to be more forthright.

That said,  within the medical establishment,  both my wife and I , have experienced discriminatory remarks and treatment.   She was told by certain nurses that she couldn’t stay with me in the hospital, and by others that she could.  Same  hospital.   They would choose to enforce policies apparently based on their  personal feelings about our relationship at the time.  So it wasn’t really a matter of policy. We even had a whole medical team breathe a sigh of relief when they found out she was a woman and not a teenage boy.  Literally, breathe a sigh of relief right in front of m e. These situations are uncomfortable and create stress in a person who is ill.  If you are like me, you want your significant other with you when the going gets rough and you are uncertain about your health status.   Especially when you are being told very scary things like “You are going to die either from the medicine we have to give you or the disease that you have:”. You want to hold on to every minute with that person.  Additionally,  your significant other is frightened  too, and wants first hand information from the doctor, and to be by your side to comfort you.  Neither the patient nor the significant other should have to worry that they won’t have the choice to make.

We must all demand equal treatment and sensitivity by all health professionals in this matter.  In fact, I believe family and loved ones may mean very different things to different people.   Right now, for instance, my wife and I are separated.  We are both trying to heal from the ordeal of my illness in our own ways. But  I still want her to be able to obtain medical information about me, and I still want her by my side if I am in a life or death situation.  This should be my choice.   And if I want a friend or other loved one with me, this should also be my choice.  All patients  should have with them those who love and care about them,  if they want them there.  It reduces stress on the patient.   Feeling  the loving presence of those you care about if that is what you want, can only improve health and wellness. Why should the healthcare establishment get to decide who has a relationship that qualifies them to stay by your side when you are ill and hospitalized?

So, as I thought about writing this, I realized that if we are all to be empowered in our health choices, it includes this. When ill, and trying to heal, we must be able to choose everything that will encourage a healing and healthy environment without stress and worry.


Wendy Love  Edge

Take back your health America!


You can reach Oxygen Edge on Twitter : @oxygenedge

Her blog is:


! wendy and angela 2014 moveonwendy and angela sick pic moveon.org

Prescription Drug Ads Do Not Belong on Television



When I began to take back my health, I realized that a huge part of that was to wean off of as much of the pharmaceutical medication that they had given me as I could.  I was bulldozed and there was no way my body could come out from under all that, rally, and find any kind of health.  I also realized how damaging the advertisements are on television.

Please join us by signing our petition. Thank you!



Take back your health America!

Choosing a Healthy and Happy Lifestyle

Life is all about choices, and when we make positive healthy choices for ourselves, we are really choosing a positive and healthy life.  I am going to discuss three basic elements that you can look at today to help make a healthy lifestyle for yourself. They are good nutrition, exercise, and positive thinking.

With regard to good nutrition, there is a lot of literature out there about what food is healthy and what isn’t.  This can be very confusing to someone who is trying to change their eating habits.  I usually suggest to people to think of it simply.  Buy fresh organic vegetables, spices, herbs and fruits.  Choose items that are not processed.   When we do this and cook at home, we really can’t go wrong.  Then we know exactly what we are putting into our bodies.  And it tastes so much better!   Processed convenience products may be attractive at the outset because they are quick to prepare, but they are not a healthy choice for a long healthy life.  Read labels.   Watch for chemicals, dyes and added sugar or high fructose corn syrup.  These are things that you definitely do not need in your diet.  With everything I know, I was tempted to buy a jar of pre-made pesto the last time I went shopping.  Then I read the label. Sure, there were pine nuts, basil and olive oil.  Then there were several preservative chemicals that I couldn’t pronounce.  I quickly put it back on the shelf.  I could buy the ingredients to make my own pesto for a little more money, but  make three times the amount!

Additionally, if you are trying to lose some extra weight that you have built up in your body, it can be very confusing how to approach that in the safest and most nutritionally balanced way.  There are many programs out there, and it may seem  too difficult sometimes to even think about getting started.  Here is a health tip from Jay Morris Sprigs about that very subject:



Exercise is also a big factor in creating a healthy lifestyle.  Many times, we feel that we can’t possibly fit exercise into our lives, and we just don’t have enough energy to do it.  The truth is, if we fit it into our lives it would increase our energy level and make us feel stronger and more capable over the long-term.    It’s great to attend a gym especially if we have friends attending the gym and we can make it a social event.   But that isn’t always possible due to time crunches and financial issues.  And sometimes someone may just feel the gym isn’t for them.  So here is a health tip from Andrea Sumers about increasing your activity level without having to attend a gym:


The last healthy life style topic I want to discuss here, is  positive thinking.   Life is busy and often difficult today.  We get caught up in the worries of life, and forget a most basic element to a happy life.  Happy and positive thoughts.  Take a few moments every day, and think about what your mind is creating.  The thoughts we put into ourselves and outward into the Universe have an impact on the outcome of our lives.   A mantra that we create ourselves can help us to create the life we want.  Here is a sound clip on how to create a mantra:


Please consider your life style choices today, and what they are creating for you.   It is never too late to start creating the lifestyle that will bring you health, wellness,  and happiness.  Your happiness is in your own mind and choices.  The  creation of your life, for better or for worse, is  in your own two hands.


Wendy Love Edge

Take back your health America





Nutrition: Bulldozer Remedy for Health #3 Drink Water!

We have surely have drought across this country.  I’m not talking about the usual kind of drought which is an important thing to be cognizant of for sure. .  I am talking about the drought that is inside many of our people!  We must be cognizant of this as well.

Dehydration is responsible for mental fogginess, forgetfulness, dry skin, and poorly functioning digestion just to name a few.  Make sure you drink enough water.

Watch our weekly bulldozer health tip from Candy Lee on this topic:


Go get some fresh water now.  Go on.


Wendy Love Edge


Candy Lee has a blog you can enjoy at:



Nutrition: Bulldozer Remedy for Health #3


When I began to devise our four remedies for health,  I realized how huge the role of nutrition is in health and wellness.  We either eat to feed our health, or eat to feed disease.  The body utilizes the nutrients in our food to build a strong capable mind and body, when we choose to eat for health. So this is an easy choice right?

Not really.  Many people today are not educated properly about nutrition, and that is a huge factor in what they choose at the grocery store.  In fact, numerous people believe that they are eating for health by choosing certain foods such as those labeled “low-fat” or by choosing a certain products that are supposed to be good for you but actually have a lot of added sugar or high fructose corn syrup.  I have spent a lot of time reading labels since I found nutrition to be a vital part of taking back my health.   As I meet people who need our help, I have realized that many people want to eat well, and many think that they already are.  Once you show them the label on the food that appears to be healthy but really isn’t, they can then make better choices and usually do. So start reading labels!

I also refer them to articles about low-fat and good fat to increase their knowledge about this.  The American public was fooled for a long time about fats and fat content and it is important to help people understand what fat is good for them and what isn’t.

That said, the bottom line here is that nothing beats preparing fresh food yourself  to create health.  You can afford to feed yourself healthy food if you choose the right things and have some simple recipes to follow.


7 winners for dinner newest.

I have attached our “7 Winners for Dinner” for free here.  Volunteer Wayne Thaxton and I created this booklet with 7 simple recipes for dinner.  You will have leftovers, and can eat more of the selections for lunch the next day. These recipes are easy to follow and take an hour or less to prepare.  The  grocery cost will be 50 dollars or less for 2+ people to obtain all of the ingredients!   The recipes are primarily vegetarian, however you can add lean, organic meat if desired.  This will increase the cost, however you can choose how much by the amount of meat you add to the recipes.

Additionally, there are numerous simple solutions for following Bulldozer Remedy for Health #3.   These include increasing your water intake, eliminating soda from your diet, and restricting processed food.  We have one for you to watch, that we just released this week as one of our health tips on YouTube.  Please take a look at this week’s weekly bulldozer health tip from our YouTube channel, Bulldozer Health.

We have a few more of these simple solutions for good nutrition coming in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.  If you subscribe to our YouTube channel, you will be alerted automatically when our weekly bulldozer health tip is released each week. Here is the link:


In the meantime, please  consider looking carefully at everything you put into your body.  Start eating for health today. Because your good health, is in your own hands.


Wendy Love Edge

Take back your health America!



Oxygen Edge also has a blog, on socially relevant subjects with an interesting style at:




BulldozerRemedy for Health #1: Change your Mind

WJAE420 Radio Blog

Changing your mind  to the positive is a key aspect in taking back your health.  I remember very clearly when I changed my mind.  I had just become separated from my wife. She told me when she was leaving, that I would find my strength and my power if she left. I didn’t believe one word of it.  It made me sad and angry actually.  For a time, I sat with that sadness and anger.  Nothing changed.  Being sad and angry and remaining on all of my pharmaceutical medications certainly wasn’t going to change my life for the better.  But I couldn’t see that.  Then one day, I was thinking  about the victim that I had become.  A victim of the medical system, of the diseases that I had, of the failing economy, of the 16 pharmaceutical medications that I was on, and of the pharmaceutical companies themselves.  I decided I didn’t want to be…

View original post 458 more words

Podcast: Bulldozer Remedy for Health #1, change your mind. Guest: Sheila Berger

Sheila's Bio Pic final.png sheila. Sheila Berger

bulldozer health v2


http://www.talkstreamradio.com/play_episode.lasso?soundfile= 11, 2014&episodeId=709&showId=50&showTitle=Bulldozer Health&episodetitle=#1 – Change Your Mind – with guest Sheila Berger

Change Your Mind: Bulldozer Remedy for Health #1, Part Deux


When you decide to change your mind, it happens very quickly. The instant you make the change, you will know it.  It is like a switch flips in your head, and you see the world with more clarity and more positivity. When I say change your mind, I mean step outside your preconceived notions to a more positive perspective.  This is the root of positive change in your life.

Though the change of the mind happens in an instant, it really is a long-term project.  It is important to realize that, and understand that whatever your age is, that is how long it took you to bring your mind to where it is now. So it will take some time to make changes for the better. Especially when you are changing habits to make yourself a healthier person.  The old saying, “old habits die-hard” may apply here.  But though that may be true, you must remember that you are an evolving, changing being.  Sure, you can fight that, by  planting your feet in one spot. But know that when you do that, there  is no movement and you can’t allow change. So inject some movement, and look at all options in every situation. Look at different perspectives.  Talk to others in a given situation and listen to their perspective, to see that life really is about perspective. Watch, listen and learn, always staying open to new information and ways of handling things.

So, if you’ve decided to change your mind for the positive, and you are watching, listening and learning you must also map out how you will continually increase your positive thinking.  Will you start to do some meditation to open your mind and/or clear it?  Will you make sure you get some sunshine everyday?  Can you take the time to write down at least one blessing everyday?  Will you say positive affirmations?  These are some examples of putting your decision into action.

You see, you must be sure that you keep moving your mind to the positive with every day that passes. You must not waiver on your decision to change your mind.  If you are presented with a challenge, train yourself to look at it as just that.  And tell yourself that it is only a bump in the road.  If you hit a roadblock, find a way around it.  We all tend to make mountains out of mole hills at times. That kind of thinking though, doesn’t help you to a peaceful and more positive life.   Perspective and looking for the lessons and silver linings will.  In every situation, those are present. You just have to train yourself to look for them instead of focusing on the negative.   If you get stuck, talk to a positive friend or acquaintance about the situation and possible avenues to the positive.  Or go  within and ask the Universe to help you find it. Or take a walk and step outside of it so you can gain a different perspective.

I know that change isn’t easy.  Ask yourself the following question though.  Has my current train of thought brought me to where I want to be in life?   Only you know the answer to that question.  And only you hold the key to positive change in your own life.  Change your mind, and then take the steps to do what needs to be done.

Yes. I have said it before, and I will say it again.  Change your mind, change your life.


Wendy Love Edge

Take Back your Health. America!

Here is a short meditation  from Bulldozer Health Inc. on Soundcloud  to help with grounding and clearing your mind:
